



前田 茂

首都ディリのメインストリーは意外と交通量が多い。センターラインもほとんどが消え、中央線をはみ出して通行する車やバイクが多く今にも事故が起きそうな状態である。(実際に事故を数回目撃) 入国した当初は信号機が一か所点灯しいてたが、今は処々で信号機が点灯している。横断歩道はあることにはあるが、利用者は少なく、自分が渡りたいところで渡っている。時には犬が、ヤギが、ニワトリが、ましてブタまでが。

(2)学校 DIT
日本の学校では外回りを塀や柵で囲い、校門には扉まで設置されているが、ここでは塀や校門など一切ない。敷地内に教室が点在している。敷地に入るとまず出迎えてくれるのが、牛、水牛、ヤギ、ニワトリである。我々の勤務する実習場はトタン屋根でもちろん天井クレーンなどの設備は無い。(重量物吊り上げ用のアングルを制作) 風通しも悪く暑いため扇風機を購入。再三に渡る停電、視聴覚教育をアピールする本教育を妨害する。結局発電機を購入。


PCのエクセル、パワーポイント等を駆使しての各種資料作成が始まった。ところが、「ここの操作はどうやるの?」「この入力は?」「使い方教えて」。えっこれってあり。分かる範囲で教えるけど私はPCの教育に来たのではない。 マスタースケジュールを検討し、週間予定表の作成、教育に必要な資器材の見積もり・購入、実習にあたっての実施要領の検討、その他、あれこれって主任教官の仕事では? 私は誰? 「あんたは整備教育に来た一教官、主任教官ではない」




This is foreign country, East Timor
  1. Capital city
Mainstream of the capital Dili is surprisingly heavy traffic. Most of the center line disappears, there are many cars and motorcycles that run beyond the center line and pass through, and it is in state where accidents are to happen. (I actually witnessed accidents several times) when I just came to East Timor, there was only one traffic light working, but now there are some more. Although there are pedestrian crossings, there are few people, and they are crossing where they want to cross. Sometimes a dog, a goat, a chicken, even a pig.
  1. School DIT
Schools in Japan are surrounded by walls and fence, and gate is set up with doors, but here there are no fences and school gates. When you enter the premises, you will be greeted with cow, water buffalo, goat and chicken. The place we work has no overhead crane, but only small roofing which made by hand. Since ventilation is no good, we bought a fan. We also experienced blackout 3 times. It disturbs our training which is based on audiovisual education. We purchased generator after all.
  1. Private life
After coming here, I changed hotel 3 times and hotel room 5 times in a short time. What I like here is the scenery from hotel room is the sea. Sometimes a beautiful sunset is seen. However, the problem is lack of soundproofing, the conversation of the neighboring room, the sound of the television, and the noise are omission of state. About a month ago, there seemed to be an assembly at the vacant land next to hotel, music was keeping on overnight. It was like concert with loud sound. There was such a thing the other day. Speaking of man and woman from the next room, I went into the bed feeling noisy.  I could not sleep at all.
Recently, I bought an electric heater. I am trying to cook for myself who has never gone on an assignment even in the self-defense force for many years. Recently I mailed my wife `tell me easy recipes` and reply was a recipe with abundant ingredients. But, Japan and here is totally different. There are no many ingredients we have in Japan.
  1. Education
  2. Educational preparation
I started creating materials using Excel, PowerPoint and so on. However, students ask `how to use and operate this? `, `teach me to input that`. I tell them what I know, but I came here to teach the knowledge of maintenance, not computer. Check the master schedule, create a weekly plan and estimate/ purchase necessary equipment for education, consider how to implement practical training, etc. These are chief faculty work, are not they? And who am I?
 I am an instructor to teach practical training.
  1. Theory education
Training begins and my words are conveyed to students through interpreter. Students take notes hard listening what interpreter say. Their desire for learning is very strong. And I try to use many sources of materials to make them understand easily and effectively. Theory education somehow ended. At same time, computer I was using has collapsed like it did its duty. Thank you for your hardworking, my computer. President and Ms.Takeuchi brought a new one to me. However, I do not know how to install for printer to new computer. I also purchased a printer for $59.
  1. Practical training
Students were dissatisfied few days after practical training. They wanted disassembly more. Maintenance is breakdown maintenance in this country. They ride a car until it breaks down. Then disassembly and maintenance be carried out only after breakdown. But, our education is preventive maintenance. It means that we focus on inspection and prevention more. In other words, approach to maintenance in Japan and East Timor is totally different. Our team by JDRAC and instructors of school DIT make meetings every week, examining and adjusting the direction of practical training.
That`s for it. This is the current situation.