




Field survey project on land mines and unexploded bomb disposal in three countries in Southeast Asia (Ministry of Defense)


Survey the current situation of landmine pollution in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

The above three countries are one of the most contaminated countries of land mines and unexploded bomb in the world, and land mines and unexploded bomb disposal are the most important issues of the nation. And, every country has been founding specialized agencies for unexploded bomb disposal and making a distribution map, exploration. However, it will take long time because of overwhelming amount.


Now, every country has making an effort in landmines and unexploded bomb disposal, but
only a few percent of estimated contaminated areas have developed. It is said that it will take over 100 years if processed at the current pace of processing. Therefore, support of developed countries including Japan is indispensable.


第1次調査 第2次調査
10月1日~10月25日の間、ラオスを皮切りにベトナム、カンボジアの国家行政機関、国連機関、国防省・軍及び在住大使館等を訪問し、地雷・不発弾に関する情報収集及び分析を行う等の調査を実施した。 第1次調査の結果を踏まえ、11月26日~12月8日の間、上記3か国を再度訪問し、具体的な提言を案出するための調査を行った。また、国内においても関係機関及び企業等を訪問し情報収集を図った。更に再度現地機関及び現地NPO法人等を訪問し、調査内容の充実を図った。
