When I ride a bicycle which is only mean of transportation in Timor, children on the street shout `Mister` in loud and wave hands. In here, it is likely common to call mister to foreign man. Children in Timor are very friendly but, in contrast, adult people stare at me until I passed by them. At first, I thought that they may have exotic habits, but after a while, when I gave them smile they changed their expression and gave me smile back. Day by day, the more we contact, the more I realized is that they are very friendly. If I get friendly, they call me ‘korega’ which means friend in local language and be very kind. Now smile greetings are developing everywhere we interact. Running bicycle in Dili city, there are many shops along the main road. Most of shop owners are from China, Australia and Portugal. Shops owned by Timorese can`t be seen rarely.Situation in automobile maintenance industry is same.
It is thought that they make a contribution from viewpoint of employment,
but it appears bit strange to more foreigners are more active
than their own citizens. Some of the trainees studying at JDRAC
who are obliged to work under a foreigner get frustrated, and complain.
I strongly wish that they would be able to manage their own without other power, but it is an honest opinion that they can`t compete yet now. Because there are also scarce parts in general education as well as technical aspects, we have to teach from the commonsense such as ‘garbage is garbage box’. From viewpoint of them, what we advocate to them is out of habit and confusion. However, when they want to get a job or to be independent in the future, it is necessary to get what we taught them. Through 8 months of the training period, we will make every effort them to understand their importance.